From a client's
review of a draft manual:
have completed my review. This document is first class work. I am very
happy with it in all ways. As I was reading for the third time, I asked
myself, 'Should there be more detail here?', or 'Is this overly simplistic?',
and in every case the final answer was 'No'."
From programmers
at Texas Instruments whose software I documented:
was great working with you. I think you've spoiled me forever on what
to expect from a tech writer."
usual, you caught a number of inconsistencies in the software and forced
me to re-think a number of issues."
for your incredibly good work. (Everyone is impressed.)"
From a webzine
review of Pocket Finance, for which I did HTML-based
help for the PC and Windows CE components:
final benefit of using Pocket Finance ... is the fantastic help support.
Over the past two years, I have seen dozens and dozens of CE products,
but I cannot remember ever seeing such incredibly detailed and well
laid-out help.
Finance's PC help support system explains in great depth the account
transferring process, using Pocket Finance on your H/PC, and much more.
Help is packed with color H/PC screen shots, PC shots, and tons of information.
If you have any question about the Pocket Finance system, you can be
sure that it is covered somewhere in help. One feature [it includes]
that is not [normally] available in Windows CE help is the indexing
system. If you would like to search for a topic, hit the "Index"
button and you are on your way.
help system that ships with Pocket Finance is jaw-dropping--a dream
for Windows CE users, offering a plethora of program information, explaining
every aspect of Pocket Finance and its administration program."
My award-winning
AOLpress tutorial garnered lots of raves, including these unsolicited
comments from customers:
- "Thanks
for the tutorial. It makes this a terrific package to work with!"
- This
is the "best tutorial I have ever seen. Best way to learn about
the Internet!"
- "Loved
the tutorial! Can't wait to try it more."
- "This
morning I downloaded the software and I have just finished the tutorial.
All I can say is 'WOW!'. ... Thanks for the tutorials. It
definitely make this a terrific package to work with."
- "Special
thanks for the tutorial. If only all programs could do it that way."
- "It
is *wonderful* -- I have never found a more useful, comprehensive tutorial
anywhere -- it's a joy to use."
A trade press
review called the Sapiens Ideo tutorial I wrote "one of the best
primers in object-oriented programming I've seen."
tutorial made the purpose and power of the product so clear that [the
company that purchased us] probably paid more for us because they really
understood what they were getting." -- project manager
API documentation for DSP/BIOS is so useful and well-organized. I'm using
the same format to document my code that uses the API for our other engineers.
Kudos to the manual designers." -- Micom engineer
is a quick note to thank you for the NanoTheater. The work you've done
is exceptional. The enthusiasm with which the presentation is made impressed
me most. After all, Digital Instruments is a producer of scientific devices
and that can result in a very staid, dry seriousness. Instead, the site
exudes the joy of discovery, and it makes for an exciting adventure."
-- John Pearley Huffman, Editor at Large, Motor Trend Magazine
the way, I continue to get compliments on your manuals. Nearly everyone
thinks we have better documentation than most other products. This includes
people inside and outside the company." -- Mike Dion, SmartStar president
thought you might like to know, a customer just mentioned to me how much
he likes the SmartStar documentation. He says it's easy to find what he
needs in it." -- Lynda Poe, customer support representative
"I just
wanted to let you know that I am very impressed with the documentation
for Beta. You've done such a wonderful job, it really makes my job 10
times easier." -- Sandy Adams, training manager
2001 Award of Excellence in the "Hardware & Software Manual Writing"
category for the Molecular Force Probe (MFP) Installation and Startup
Guide.- STC Associate
Fellow (2001): Awarded "for her outstanding leadership, vision,
scholarly contribution, and strong support of technical communicators
worldwide; and to the profession of technical communication."
of Show and Award of Distinguished Technical Communication, Lone Star
Web Page Competition, for the Santa
Barbara STC chapter web site. (1997-98) - Award
of Achievement, Lone Star Web Page Competition, for the STC Region 8
web site. (1997-98)
- Award
of Excellence, Orange County Technical Publications Competition, for
the AOLpress User's Guide. (1997-98)
- Award
of Achievement, International Online Communications Competition, for
the AOLpress online tutorial. (1996-97)
- Award
of Distinguished Technical Communication, STC Chapter Newsletter Competition
for the Shell. (1992)
- Distinguished
Chapter Service Award, Santa Barbara chapter. (1991)
... and my
secret (since you've read this far) is that Scott Adams once used an idea
I sent him for three Dilbert strips. Unfortunately, I can't say which
ones because I'm under a non-disclosure agreement with my source at the
guilty company. (No, they didn't involve Tina the brittle technical writer...)

© 2011, Yvonne DeGraw